Dinner & Drinks with Jay Imarah Evans: Remember Who You Really Are
Dinner & Drinks with Jay Imarah Evans: Remember Who You Really Are

We are so excited to welcome Jay Imarah Evans for Dinner & Drinks this Saturday, February 27th, at 6:00 PM GMT / 1:00 PM EST! She’s joining us to discuss how techniques in evolutionary astrology used by Jeff Green, Mark Jones, and Steven Forrest utilize Pluto and the lunar nodes to understand the underlying themes and trajectory of one’s life. She’ll then expand to the other planets and placements to build upon the foundation set by Pluto and the nodes to create the story that you tell about yourself.
Having an understanding of how each of these planets and calculated points in the chart interact in these techniques can help you gain a better understanding of your story and how to reclaim your agency within it.
Annanikka (Anna-Key-Ah) writes in the astrology and spiritual communities under the name Jay Imarah Evans. She is a black astrologer, polytheist, teacher, diviner, pop culture enthusiast, magical girl, and psychology student who is focused on helping others reclaim their agency. She currently has her B.S. in Psychology and is pursuing her Master’s in Forensic Psychology. Her work centers around astrology, divination, psychology, pop culture, shadow work, inner child work, and past life work. She currently lives in South Korea with her parents and younger siblings.
Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85163173704?pwd=TmtrbnowYlBUekZYWjhFbmdlTUtXQT09
2021 Call for Board Members
After a long break in the scouting process, AYA is excited to announce that the call for board members is open once again!
We have recently brought on a new President, Vice President, Secretary, and International Director of Community Care. We are now seeking a Treasurer along with board members to fill out some recently created roles.
In the past months, AYA has been working to reshape the board to have a more lateral power structure. We have created the following committees and are looking for committee co-chairs and committee members.
- Accessibility
- Communication
- Community Outreach
- Education
- Ethics
- Social Media
The reshaping of the AYA board is an ongoing process, and if you’d like to work with AYA in a capacity that doesn’t align with the roles listed above, let us know! We are still open to creating new positions and bringing on general board members. We want to collaborate with you!
If you’re interested in the role of treasurer or joining one or more of the above committees, please send an email to youngastrologers@gmail.com detailing your interest. The deadline to send in your application is Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
Note: Because AYA’s board is still a small team, board members are encouraged to participate in multiple committees and lend a hand on projects they are interested in regardless of the role(s) they hold.
Note: All incoming board members will be required to participate in transformative justice training once accepting a position.
Below is more detailed information about the roles AYA is looking to fill.
Treasurer (Volunteer Position)
**URGENT** AYA is seeking to transition in a new Treasurer. The new treasurer will work closely with Alex Zolotov (current treasurer) as he transitions out of his role. The treasurer is responsible for presenting AYA’s annual budget and making sure the board works within it. Other roles include managing fund transfers and outgoing payments in a timely manner and ensuring that all government tax filings are completed on time.
Accessibility Committee
Co-chair (volunteer position)
The co-chair is responsible for helping to manage AYA’s transcription and translation initiatives. In 2021, AYA will start working on transcribing our lectures and Dinner & Drinks archives. This will be a BIG project, and the co-chair will be responsible for coordinating with the transcription team and ensuring that we stay on track with our timeline.
As we look to internationalize our membership, AYA plans to start providing content in multiple languages. The co-chair will be responsible for coordinating with translators and ensuring cohesion between multilingual content.
*Proficiency in multiple languages is NOT a requirement for this role.
Transcriber (Paid Position)
Members of the transcription team work to transcribe AYA’s archive of lectures and D&D’s. The team will also be responsible for editing auto-generated transcripts of future events.
Translator (Paid Position)
Translators are responsible for translating AYA’s content into other languages. We are currently only looking for Spanish translators, but will add additional languages in the future. When applying for this position, please describe your proficiency in Spanish (i.e. native speaker, 2nd language, AP courses, etc.)
Communication Committee (Volunteer Positions)
The Communication Committee is responsible for a lot of background work (i.e. writing and proofing copy for the website, emails, and other platforms), as well as helping to manage AYA’s inbox and Google Drive. Members of this committee are expected to be organized and have strong professional writing skills.
Community Outreach Committee (Volunteer Positions)
The Community Outreach Committee acts as a liaison between AYA and its membership base & the greater astrological community. This committee is responsible for membership management and recruitment, managing AYA’s Discord, and integrating advocacy and social justice initiatives into AYA’s work.
Education Committee (Volunteer Positions)
The Education Committee is responsible for spearheading various educational events and projects. Facilitation of Dinner & Drinks, working on the Ascendant, and new educational initiatives (which you will find out about once joining the board) are all under this committee’s domain. Members of this committee are expected to be passionate about accessible education and available to plan and participate in educational events at least once per month.
Ethics Committee (Volunteer Positions)
The Ethics Committee will play an integral role as AYA revamps our bylaws. This committee will help ensure that AYA holds itself to a high ethical standard and acts in a way that reflects our values.
Social Media Committee (Volunteer Positions)
The Social Media Committee is in charge of managing and monitoring AYA’s various social pages. Responsibilities include content creation, growing AYA’s online presence, and helping to integrate the org onto new platforms.
Again, be sure to email your application to youngastrologers@gmail.com by Sunday, February 28, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PST.