Our Mission

The Association for Young Astrologers (AYA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational and networking opportunities for those interested in astrology, with a focus on young people, those new to the field, and aspiring professionals.

Our mission is to ensure the continuity of the astrological tradition across generations. To this end we support aspiring astrologers and offer a social networking community where they can learn, be inspired and connect with both peers and mentors. We also publish a yearly journal, offer  members access to free educational resources, scholarships to astrology conferences, and more!

A Brief History of the AYA

AYA’s history starts in 2003, when a couple young astrologers noted that there weren’t very many young people attending workshops and conferences, and even fewer speaking at them. These astrologers talked to others, and a conversation began about why this was the case, and what could be done about it.

Six months and a thousand conversations later, the Association for Young Astrologers was born. AYA was founded to build bridges across generational divides, to connect younger astrologers with the astrological community and to advocate for them within it. Not only that, but AYA created a place for young astrologers to network with and learn from both peers and mentors.

Since then, the Association for Young Astrologers has pursued and achieved its goals admirably.  AYA succeeded at making it possible for young astrologers to attend, as well as speak at, a number of conferences and workshops. AYA has also facilitated an abundance of online and in-person networking, fostering community between peers as well relationships across generations. AYA has also accumulated an archive of educational materials for its members. And last but not least, AYA has hosted some fine mighty fine parties.

Now a decade old, AYA has accomplished much of it what it set out to do, but there’s plenty more brewing.