AYA Bylaws Update

AYA Official

On March 1st 2023, the AYA Board of Directors voted to approve a revision to our bylaws.

The update is mostly much-needed housekeeping; we are now more clearly aligned with our other governing documents such as our Articles of Incorporation and the state statutes, and we’ve updated and clarified the language to reflect today’s practices around gender and remote work.

Most excitingly though, we’ve created new opportunities for the Board and those who care about AYA to more actively participate in governance and organizing.

Bylaw Update Highlights:

  • Instead of President and Vice-President, we’ve returned to the original Incorporation language of Chair and Vice-Chair.
  • We’ve adjusted the committee process so the Board can create committees as-needed, including committees that can include more non-Directors, such as a Board nomination committee and advisory committees.

The Board has already voted to create an Advisory Committee, hoping to bring in more community members of diverse generations and astrological traditions to advise on and support initiatives of the Board, as Demetra George supported and believed in AYA’s mission when first founded.

AYA’s principal mission continues to be to provide outreach and support to young people discovering astrology, and secondly, in support of that, to promote a deeper understanding and knowledge of astrology through lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, study groups, research and information distribution, and any and all other appropriate means.

Through the bylaw process, we’ve reaffirmed AYA’s identity as a small Board-governed 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization created for educational and charitable purposes, accountable to the public good and supported by our members, a legion of small donors who believe in AYA’s mission and benefit from our programs and community.

AYA’s current programming remains in line with our mission: monthly Seminar Under the Stars, monthly newsletter with opportunities for emerging astrologers, our Discord server, and forthcoming fellowship program.

If you’d like to register your interest in being on the Board or Advisory Committee prior to our official call, please contact youngastrologers@gmail.com