Introducing the AYA Discord server! Discord is a chat platform for communities and friends to gather, discuss, and stay connected. The AYA Discord is full of diverse channels for different types of astrology, bringing together our membership for come and go discussion at any time of the day or night.
Sometimes the deepest insights and biggest breakthroughs begin with a single conversation; after hours at a conference, messaging back and forth with a mentor, or just having a discussion with a peer or friend.
We believe one of the best ways to support young and emerging astrologers and students is to connect them with the community. The purpose of the AYA Discord is to cultivate this community by facilitating conversation and dialogue within our membership, keeping us connected in real time.
New to discord? It’s completely free, and easy to use on mobile and desktop. It’s perfect for staying connected especially if you choose not to participate in social media platforms, or if you’re taking a social media break.
Not a member yet? Join AYA here!