Dinner and Drinks with Cassandra Tyndall: Aversion
Dinner and Drinks with Cassandra Tyndall: Aversion
Join AYA for an online conversation with Cassandra Tyndall about the concept of aversion in ancient astrology, and how it can illuminate today’s work with horoscopes.
In Hellenistic astrology, luminaries and planets cast ‘rays of light’, which enabled them to see certain houses and the planets occupying them. Sight was a crucial metaphor for the ancient understanding of the sextile, square, trine and opposition. But some houses could not be seen. What happens when the Lord of a house cannot see the sign it rules? Aversion illuminates the blind spots in a birth chart. Join us for a dialogue about how metaphors of vision and aversion can reveal connections between the house topics in the birth chart. Add this valuable tool to your delineation kit!
Click here to join the Zoom meeting on February 7: https://zoom.us/j/871157438
Join us online on Thursday, February 7th at
4pm – Hawaii – Hawaii Standard Time
6pm– Los Angeles – Pacific Standard Time
7pm – Denver – Mountain Standard Time
8pm – Chicago – Central Standard time
9pm – New York / Toronto – Eastern Standard Time
10pm – Halifax / Charlottetown – Atlantic Standard Time
10:30pm – Newfoundland – Newfoundland Standard Time
Friday, February 8th
Midnight – Rio de Janeiro / São Paulo – Brazil Summer Time
2am – London / Greenwich Mean Time
3am – Paris / Berlin / Rome / Barcelona – Central European Time
4am – South Africa – South Africa Standard Time
5am – Moscow – Moscow Standard Time
7:30am – India – India Standard Time
10am – China – China Standard Time
11am – Japan – Japan Standard Time
11am – Korea – Korea Standard Time
1pm – Sydney / Melbourne – Australian Eastern Daylight Time
3pm – Auckland – New Zealand Daylight Time
Dinner and Drinks with Adam Sommer: The Lunar Nodes & Eclipses

Dinner and Drinks with Kenneth Miller: Pluto’s Weird History

As always, this event is free and open to everyone.
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/436093014
AYA Reads Agrippa: Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Join AYA in an online reading group to discuss planetary magic as taught by Cornelius Agrippa, famed western occultist and author of Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Across three Saturdays we’ll look at several chapters in Three Books of Occult Philosophy that teach the fundamentals of planetary magic. These chapters will cover the basic requirements for completing a planetary ritual and beginning a personal relationship with each planetary spirit.
The reading group conversations will be free and open to the entire astrological community. Below you will find the dates for each reading group, the recommended translation, and the chapters we’re planning to discuss.
Reading Group Meeting Dates
Saturday, October 6th 1pm – 3pm EST
Saturday October 27th 1pm – 3pm EST
Saturday, November 10th 1pm – 3pm EST
First Reading Session – Saturday, October 6th 1pm – 3pm
The first reading will cover:
- Timing for planetary rituals
- Images associated with the planets
- On timing:
- On images:
Second Reading Session – Saturday October 27th 1pm – 3pm
The second reading will cover:
- Materials associated with each planet (example: copper for Venus)
- What each planet can be petitioned for (example: Sun for eminence, Mars for bravery)
- On materials and what a planet can be petitioned for:
- Book I – Chapter xxiii. How we shall know what Stars naturall things are under, and what things are under the Sun, which are called Solary.
- Book I – Chapter xxiv. What things are Lunary, or under the power of the Moon.
- Book I – Chapter xxv. What things are Saturnine, or under the power of Saturne.
- Book I – Chapter xxvi. What things are under the power of Jupiter, and are called Jovial.
- Book I – Chapter xxvii. What things are under the power of Mars, and are called Martial.
- Book I – Chapter xxviii. What things are under the power of Venus, and are called Venereall.
- Book I – Chapter xxix. What things are under the power of Mercury, and are called Mercuriall.
Third Reading Session – Saturday, November 10th 1pm – 3pm
The third reading will cover:
- Names of planetary spirits
- Numbers associated with planets
- Fumigations used for each planet
- Colors of the planets
- The power of mind over matter
- On numbers:
- On names of planetary spirits:
- Book II, Chap. XXII. Of the tables of the Planets, their vertues, forms, and what Divine names, Intelligencies, and Spirits are set over them.
- Book III – Chapter xxiv. Of the names of Spirits, and their various imposition; and of the Spirits that are set over the Stars, Signs, Corners of the Heaven, and the Elements.
- On incense, or fumes
- On colors of the planets
- On mind and intention in magical work