• Synastry vs. Davison: A Relationship Astrology Technique Comparison

    Description of Techniques Synastry is the comparison of two or more natal charts, and how placements between two people manifest […]

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  • Seminar Under the Stars with Mo Olufemi: Triplicity, A Crash Course

    The Association for Young Astrologers is so excited to welcome Mo Olufemi (@australtaur) to offer us a comprehensive overview of […]

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Our Mission

The Association for Young Astrologers (AYA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational and networking opportunities for those interested in astrology, with a focus on young people, those new to the field, and aspiring professionals.

Our mission is to ensure the continuity of the astrological tradition across generations. To this end we support aspiring astrologers and offer a social networking community where they can learn, be inspired and connect with both peers and mentors. We also publish a yearly journal, offer members access to free educational resources, scholarships to astrology conferences, and more!