Jupiter in Leo – Spiritual Courage, Pt. 2 of 2
Jupiter in Leo – symbol of spirituality or spiritual courage?
Part Two
by Marko Obranović
India and its gurus
When we think about the most spiritual places in the world, the majority of people will put India at the top of their list. This magnificently colorful country is recognized a fertile land for export of all types of religious teachers and gurus. The relationship between the cultures of India and the Western world started in the 19th century, but the real breakthrough came in second half of the 20th century. Yoga, Jyotish, Ayurveda…they’re everywhere now, but somebody had to bring them to us.
An interesting group of gurus from India, whose teachings are famous and popular in West, have the natal position of Jupiter in Leo. Spirituality gained at home or by roots (Cancer) expanded through individual efforts further in the world (Leo and Jupiter).
The Indian professor of philosophy, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, known as Osho is first of these examples. During his life he raised controversy by his outspoken criticism of politicians and institutionalized religion (Saturn in Capricorn). In his last phase of life, and his last Jupiter cycle, he moved to Oregon in the U.S., where he founded an utopian ashram but eventually was forced to go back to India where he died. Despite all this, his legacy in the world is even stronger now than when he was alive (14, 15).
Founder of Sidha Yoga, Swami Muktananda, had Jupiter in Leo with Saturn in Aries. He was spreading his teachings through the U.S. during the 1970’s. At the beginning of his fifth Jupiter cycle in 1956, Bhagawan Nityananda acknowledged the culmination of Muktananda’s spiritual journey, and gave him a small piece of land at Ganeshpuri near Bombay, on which Muktananda developed an ashram (18).
The first non-European winner of the Nobel Prize in literature, poet and polymath Rabindrantah Tagore, was born with Jupiter in Leo and Saturn in Virgo (28). Tagore’s influence on binding the cultures of India and the West is immeasurable. His beginning Jupiter cycles mostly are connected with publishing some of the most famous works – in 1884, “The Songs of Bhanushingho Thakur”; in 1895 finished most of his short stories in “Galpaguchchha,” while the last one marked the end of his long travels with final visits to Iran (1932) and Sri Lanka (1933) (19, 20).
Natal chart of modern India:
Modern India celebrates its independence day on August 15th, 1947. The day has a strong stellium with four planets in Leo. The Sun is a part of this stellium, and the natal Sun emanates its energy or individual purpose through space expanded by Jupiter until the borders set by Saturn. What I was trying to point out here is significant relation with energy of the particular Sun of one county or culture (in this case, India,) and the spreading of that energy through its “children” by the power of guru-Jupiter traveling in the world.
There are two interesting examples of rulers who are not remembered as much as an individual rebels against inherited religion but as a rulers who helped new or emerging religions in their establishment and emancipation.
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Born on 28th July 1552 in Vienna, with Jupiter and Sun close together in Leo and retrograde Saturn in Pisces. His birthchart has a Rodden Rating of DD, but most of the sources consider it correct, especially when we combine his rulership with his Jupiter cycle. He was crowned at the start of his third Jupiter cycle as the Holy Roman Emperor on October 12th, 1576 and was forced to leave the throne in 1612, at the start of sixth cycle, soon after which he died. Despite his traditional religious upbringing for that time, he distanced himself from the church and showed high tolerance towards Protestantism and Judaism. Jupiter in Leo was pushing the institutional borders of Saturn in Pisces. One of the main representatives of his legacy is the document, “Letter of Majesty” from 1609, in which he gave religious tolerance to both Protestant and Catholic citizens living on the estates of Bohemia. The document was the main spark for one of the most destructive religious conflicts in European history – Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648). In May 1618, at the very beginning of the war, Jupiter just entered Pisces and crossed over Rudolf’s natal Saturn (22, 23).
Constantine the Great
The last example of Jupiter in Leo comes from a very uncertain source, but its attractiveness is way too enticing to be avoided as a final curiosity. Constantine the Great (February 27th, 272? – May 22nd , 337), was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337. Historians state his birthday was around 272. For the sake of argument, we can suppose they were correct. Jupiter was retrograde, as well as Saturn in Virgo. Constantine was brought up mostly by his Christian mother, Helena Constantine, and was the first emperor to stop Christian persecutions and to legalize Christianity along with all the other cults in the Roman Empire. During his rule, Christianity became the main religion in the Roman Empire (24, 25).
A person can use the energy of Jupiter in Leo in a variety of ways. Hopefully more and more people will become aware of it and start using it creatively and constructively, not just as a melodramatic show of when his or her ego was hurt. To take a step further from inherited cultural patterns, this takes a huge amount of inner bravery and puts an individual in a position which risks ostracization by his Saturnian community. This is clearly a time when inner battles around the world are fought alongside organized religions and the need for individual rebellion against it is as strong as ever. To follow the trodden path of your ancestors and to make a spectacle out of it or to go one step into the unknown, where you are not protected by your society? The choice is ours. Can we manifest a true Jupiter in Leo, which is in tune with the vibrations of the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto?
Pope Joh Paul II, May 18, 1920; 5:30 p.m. EET; Wadowice, Poland; A: Biography: George Weigel, “Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II,” Cliff St Books, 1999.
Thomas Henry Huxley, May 4, 1825; 09:30 a.m. LMT; Ealing, England; AA: Sy Scholfield provides two references: “Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley” by Leonardo Huxley (2006), p. 14: “Thomas Henry Huxley was born at Ealing on May 4, 1825, “about eight o’clock in the morning.” (So in the Autobiography, but 9.30 according to the Family Bible.)”
Voltaire, November 21, 1694 (greg.) 5:30 p.m. LMT; Paris, France; C: Penfield Collection quotes Matthews for “Gemini Asc.” Brittanica gives the same date “according to his birth certificate, though he kept the date secret and stated several times that it was February 20, 1694.”
Søren Kierkegaard, May 5, 1813, Copenhagen, Denmark; X: Paul Mahler Dam has a spec time of 1:00 p.m.
Victor Hugo, February 26, 1802; 10:30 p.m. LMT; Besançon, France; AA: Gauquelin Vol. 6/423 and Sy Scholfield downloaded a copy of the BC from Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Maison_natale_Victor_Hugo_034.JPG
Sinéad O’Connor, December 8, 1966, 7:37 a.m. LMT; Dublin, Ireland; C: from http://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Sin%C3%A9ad_O’Connor and http://www.astrolreport.com/famous-o/oconnor.sinead.php states her time birth as 7:37 Standard Time without giving its source
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), December 11, 1931, 5:13 p.m. IST; Kutchwada, India; A: Steinbrecher quotes correspondence with the Ashram, 5:13 pm, data from his mom’s memory. (Sam Gunderson taught a class in Oregon and has the same data from one of the disciples of the Rajneesh ashram.)
Sri Aurobindo, August 15, 1872, 5:00 a.m. LMT; Calcutta, India; B: Marion March quotes “Auroville: City of the Future” (Fisher Books)
Swami Muktananda, May 16, 1908, 5:11:38 a.m. IST; Dharmasthala, India; A: Steinbrecher quotes a copy of his chart sent by a Swami in the Ashram
Rabindrantah Tagore, May 7, 1861, 4:02 a.m. LMT; Calcutta, India; C: B.V. Ramon in AA 6/1948; same in Sabian Symbols No.887
Kotamraju Narayana Rao, October 12, 1931, 7:54 a.m. LMT; Machilipatnam, India; A: Filipe Ferreira quotes a letter from Rao to B.V. Raman given in Rao’s book “Planets and Children,” p.159, S. Kumar and Associates, Lucknow, India, 1993.
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, July 18, 1552 (Julian cal.) or July 28, 1552 (Greg.), 7:35 p.m. LMT; Vienna, Austria; DD: Leo’s Notable Nativity No.570 gives July 18, 1556 OS; original source not known. Most other sources say he was born in 1552 in Vienna.
Constantine the Great, February 27, 272 (Julian cal.) or March 9, 272 (Greg.); Niš, Serbia; XX: Birth dates vary but most modern historians use c. 272. From “The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine” by Noel Lenski (2012)
India, August 15, 1947, 12:01 a.m. LMT; New Delhi, India; AA
- Alexander Ruperti, Cycles of Becoming: The Planetary Pattern of Growth, CRCS Publicationsns, 1978, pp. 114-132
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Pope Joh Paul II” (accessed October 6, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Saint John Paul II” www.britannica.com (accessed October 6, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Thomas Henry Huxley” (accessed October 6, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Thomas Henry Huxley” www.britannica.com (accessed October 6, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Voltaire” (accessed October 6, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Voltaire” www.britannica.com (accessed October 6, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Søren Kierkegaard” (accessed October 6, 2014).
- Søren Kierkegaard, “Second Period: Indirect Communication (1843-46)” www.sorenkierkegaard.org (accessed October 6, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Victor Hugo” (accessed October 6, 2014).
- Project Gutenberg, “Le droit et la loi” gutenberg.org (accessed October 6, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “List of authors and works on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Sinéad O’Connor” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh” www.britannica.com (accessed October 6, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Śrī Aurobindo” www.britannica.com (accessed October 8, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Śrī Aurobindo” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Muktananda” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Rabindranath Tagore” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Rabindranath Tagore” www.britannica.com (accessed October 8, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Kotamraju Narayana Rao” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor” www.britannica.com (accessed October 8, 2014).
- See http://en.wikipedia.org, “Constantine the Great” (accessed October 8, 2014).
- Encyclopedia Britannica, “Constantine the Great” www.britannica.com (accessed October 8, 2014).