Call for Submissions!

AYA Official

We are now accepting submissions for the third issue of The Ascendant, the official journal of AYA.

We are looking for submissions on topics such as:

  • astrological practices in various global geographies
  • astrology and intersectionality
  • the reconstruction of previously unknown traditional material
  • innovations in the application of astrology
  • novel perspectives on the philosophical implications of the art
  • visual art exploring astrological themes

If you’ve never written before, never fear, our editorial board is a hands-on team to help get your idea polished and ready for ink. Some of our authors have gone on to be published in The Mountain Astrologer. This is a great way to kick-start your astro-publishing career.

Our readers are interested in citations for further reading, so please make sure to footnote your sources according to Chicago Manual of Style 17.

You will be notified as soon as possible of the acceptability of your submission. AYA does not discriminate against authors and artists based on age, race, creed, gender or nationality. AYA is for young astrologers, not of them, and the journal is open to submissions from people of all ages.

Please submit your paper or artwork by January 23rd, 2019. Written submissions should be between 2500–8000 words and sent to . Art submissions can be black and white or full color. If larger files are being transferred please use a service such as

If you have any questions, contact us at

We look forward to seeing you in the pages of The Ascendant!

Your editorial team,
Danny, Nick, and Jenn